Tuesday 14 February 2017

Childhood issues

Childhood is supposed to be one of the happiest periods in a person's life. But unfortunately not every child has such an opportunity to spent their childhood cheerfully and collect pleasant memories. Sometimes the real world hurts us when we are vulnerable children and before  becoming wise enough to make our own choices.

Friday 3 February 2017

Easy tips how to eat super clean on a budget

Almost of us want to be healthy and look good. There is no doubt that the right diet rich in essential nutrients can bring us close to the body of our dreams. Eating healthy it's not always easy, especially when we live in a place with poor variety of food choices in the stores. So, we cannot find the healthy products we need.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

6 winter problems and how to avoid them

I personally love winter. Winter is amazing! It fascinates with its cold and white beauty and that's why it's one of my favourite seasons. Unfortunately, it brings with itself many problems to our homes.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

The best ways to break up a bad habit

Everyone of us has habits, some - good, some - bad. The reason that most of us lead a really busy lives creates many good opportunities for us to have bad habits. Some of our everyday bad habits can look insignificant and unharmful at first sight, but unfortunately they can bring us some huge problems further in life, if we don't recognize them on time.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

The struggles of the student life

The people that have been students will understand me. Every one thinks that the life in university is nothing but a one big party. But they are wong. University life besides the plans about going out includes also a lot of studying, working on different projects and last but not least, the trouble related with where to live.

Friday 16 December 2016

Effective study tips that make studying less scary

I have always admired the people with a sharp memory and wondered how they do it. It's true that we all learn in a different way and the educational system is most of the times unjust by teaching all kids using same methods. So, it's no wonder that some kids don't go to universities and some even don't make it to the 12th grade.

Thursday 15 December 2016

How I became part of Serpact?

2016 was a really important year for me for many reasons. First, because this is the year of my graduation from University of Plovdiv. This was the year when my university linguistic course there had a state exam. I was really excited about my last year in the university and my final exams as many other students too.