New Year is just around the corner and some of you are probably asking themselves what you want to improve in 2017. The moment about pondering about our lives already came again and though we all know how cliche is the tradition of New Year Resolution, we still follow it. We say goodbye to the old year, say goodbye to our former selves and hope that the next year will be better than the previous.
Everyone wishes for more self-improvement and prosperity during the New Year. It's the moment to start on a clean new slate, to do all the things better. At the start of the new year most of us usually make big plans, but this is not the hardest thing to do. The toughest task is to stick to these plans through the whole year. Often at the end of January most of us forget about their plans and stop following them. But why this is happening is the main question? Should we be more determined in our goals? Is lack of motivaton the chief reason for this?
Here are for example a few numbers. At the end of the Great Depression, about a quarter of American adults formed New Year's resolutions. At the start of the 21st century, about 40% did. As a matter of fact, around 40% to 50% of Americans stick to the New year's resolution tradition from 1995 Epcot and 1985 Gallop Polls. But we should note that 46% of those who endeavor to make the most popular resloutions: (losing weight, quitting smoking, exercising more, starting up a new business and other) were ten times more likely to be successful in following their goals as compared to these 4% who chose not to make any resolutions.
I wonder is it worthy in fact to make any plans at all for the next year. Sometimes a lot of unexpected things happen in our lives that there is no place for planning.There are times when I make plans just day to day. That should be considered the most cheerful life - living in the present! But the things don't happen like that. I personally feel that sometimes it's just a waste of time to plan everything to the last detail, because in my daily life, most of these plans fail. I think we should plan after all, but not excessively.
Most often New Year's resolutions can include 10 to 30 different goals that we want to accomplish in our lives. I think this to be an impossible task, but there are different people and some of them are really superheroes. Do you know someone who seems to be always perfect and successful in everything they do? They just make the things look easier. Well, that's what I 'm talking about. I know such people, and I'm just envious of their life energy. But let's get back to our goals. My opinion is that we should be realistic and try to stick for at least 1-3 goals during the year and don't give upon them even if we don't see change. Because progress takes time and effort.
Here are some of the things that should be done at the beginning of the new year. Whether or not we will accomplish them depends on us. My advice is not to choose many. Pick just one goal, but really stick to it.
1.Check where you are:
Think about where you are in life, what you have achieved so far and what is the thing that you desire most. Be honest with yourself and make realistic resolutions. Have something like a conversation with your inner self and don't listen much to the others' advice or fall over yourself to follow temporary tendencies.2. Monitor your progress:
I would suggest you to keep a diary where you will write on a daily basis about your progress and how much of your goal you have achieved so far. This will help you to get a overall picture of your progress. This tip have helped me a lot. Especially if you are a visual person, putting your ideas on paper will help you to be in check with your purposes.
3. Be specific:
Don't just say to yourself ''I have to lose weight.", "I want to do more work.'' or ''I want to find a new job." For example specify how much weight you want to lose, or what zone of your body you want to tone and start searching for the right exercises. Ask yourself what you don't like about your current job and decide where to search for a new job. Determine what is the actual goal that you strive for. In this way by having a clear purpose, it will be more easier for you to find the right ways to achieve it.4. Break the habit:
There are some things that we can't stop doing that literally eat our time or destroy our relationships with others and we don't even realize it. Sometimes we get so addicted to them, that they become toxic to our life. Consider what is the thing that you repeatedly do and it stops you from achieving what you want. And what do you want most? To watch that awesome movie right now or finish that school/job project which is in your top priority list and has bothered you since weeks? To eat this delectable piece of cake or finally get the body you dream of? It's your choise.
5. Count your blessings:
It's essential to value what you have in life and what are the positive things that you manage to do. What difference to the world you have made? Whether is the familly you have, or the career you have made, or just the small favor you have done to your friend today- be proud of it. Don't expect miracles, not all of us are destined to be ultra rich, famous, beautiful, much respected, etc.
6. Try something new:
Studies have shown that learning something new such as new language, new skills, taking up an interesting hobby or a particular sport, decreases our risk of cognitive decline and Dementia when we get old. Learning new information such as new language keeps our brains sharp. Also it's an excellent way to learn things about a different culture.
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